torsdag den 31. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros G170 Flamethrower Teams

A look at the G170 Flamethrower Teams pack from H&R.

German soldier with flamethrower 

The pack contains a single strip with three flamethrower teams. There are two unique sculpts, the flamethrower operator and the assistant, repeated three times. The assistant looks like he is armed with a pistol or a SMG, it is hard to tell.

G170 pack

The models in this pack scale perfectly with others in the range and mix well with those from the panzergrenadier pack.

I received a single strip and have seen no quality issues on the miniatures. Only minor cleaning is required.

Overall impression
Exactly what it says on the tin, 3 flamethrower teams for £0.40. The price comes out at £0.07 per model and the quality is excellent for that price. I will be using these guys in my pioneer stands.

lørdag den 19. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros G103 Cyclists

Yet another H&R review, this time of the G103 Cyclist pack. Models are presented exactly as I received them, with no cleaning done before taking the picture.

The german army was never fully mechanized, indeed most divisions were leg infantry divisions, with individual soldiers marching where they needed to go and heavy equipment being pulled by horses. Bicycles were used extensively, especially in recon units. I will be using these guys primarily for recon stands in my infantry regiments.

German soldiers on bicycles 

Each pack contains three identical sculpts of a german soldier on a bicycle, with a rifle across his back.

G103 on the left, GR01 on the right for scale.

The models of this pack scale perfectly with those of the other packs I have reviewed previously.

I received two packs, for a total of 6 cyclists. Of these, three were missing part of the right arm and one is missing part of the front wheel (can be seen in the above picture). The models required no cleaning.

Overall impression
I absolutely love these models and will definitely be getting loads of them. The minor quality issues are an annoyance, but will not be noticed during games. At £0.40 for three, these models are expensive compared to the regular price of H&R infantry but still cheap enough to employ en masse. Did I mention that I absolutely love these guys?

Heroics and Ros G088 BMW + sidecar

Here I look at the BMW with sidecar pack from H&R. As always the models are presented as I received them.


The pack contains two identical motorcycles with sidecar (only one of them is shown in the picture).
Each model has a soldier driving the motorcycle and a passenger in the sidecar manning an MG.  

G088 in the middle, G169 on the left and GR01 on the right for scale

As can be seen in the picture, the motorcycle driver is significantly smaller than other infantry models I have reviewed so far. Placed directly next to other models, they look like children. They are so small in fact, that I'm not sure I will be using them at all in my games, not even on bases with no other infantry. They just look off.

I received three of these packs, for a total of 6 motorcycles. On 4 of these, the driver i missing most of his left arm. Other than that the casting is well done, with almost no cleaning required.

Overall impression
These models are priced at £0.40 for two models, this comes out to £0.20 per motorcycle. Considering how small they are, this is very strange. This is the first pack from H&R that I would not recommend. Indeed I will not be ordering more of these motorcycles myself.

Heroics and Ros G169 Motorcyclists

In this review I take a look at the H&R German motorcycle pack G169. Models are presented as I received them with no cleaning done at all.

German soldier on BMW R66 motorcycle
The Germans used a large number of motorcycles during WW2 and this set can be used to represent any motorcycle without sidecar. At this scale it is impossible for me to tell which model MC the figure is sculpted after.

The pack contains three identical motorcyclists, sitting straight up in the saddle. No weapons are visible on the models.

The motorcyclists seem to scale perfectly with the models from GR01, with the top of the motorcyclist's head being at about shoulder height of the walking infantryman. 
Strip of G169 on the left, GR01 on the right for scale.

I ordered the single strip shown in the picture and there were no quality issues with these models and only very minor cleaning is required.
Overall impression
These models are of a quality comparable to the others I have received from H&R so far. At the cost of £0.40 for a single strip of three motorcyclists, I feel these are priced at around £0.12, which is expensive compared to the £0.05 per model of the standard infantry packs. Overall though, the models are affordable and still a good quality relative to cost.

lørdag den 12. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros G017 Panther G

In this review I look at H&R's take on the Panther G. As always, the model is presented as I received it, with no cleaning done on the model.

The Panther tank was one of the most successful and numerous German tanks during World War 2, with 6,132 produced.

ContentsThe Panther, like all H&R tanks I have received so far, comes as a two part kit consisting of a hull and a turret.

G017 hull side view

Wikipedia lists the Panther is being 2.87m long (without the main gun), which translates into approximately 23mm long in 1/300 scale. The model matches this expectation almost perfectly.

I have also included a top down picture of the turret, for those who are into hatch placement.
G017 turret top view

Fully assembled, the model matches my expectations and looks very much like a Panther should. It should be noted that this model does not have schürzen on, though adding them with thin plastic card would be an easy conversion job. The total length of the tank, with gun, matches the expected 29mm for a 1/300 scale Panther.

 G017 assembled

My one gripe, which is true for nearly all H&R vehicles I have received so far, is that they require quite a bit of cleaning. Especially the rear of the hull, has a big mold line running across details, making cleaning a hassle.

Overall though, I am very pleased with the quality of this model, relative to the price tag of £0.4 per tank.

lørdag den 5. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros GR08 - Panzergrenadiers

This is a review of the "GR08 - Panzergrenadiers" pack from Heroics and Ros. The miniatures are presented as I received them, with no cleaning done on them.

The pack consists of 8 strips with a total of 52 miniatures:

 GR08 pack

Strip A (2 of these strips), each consists of three unique sculpts, repeated twice:
  • 2 Prone MG gunners
  • 2 Prone MG loaders
  • 2 Crouching soldiers with SMG and binoculars

Strip A

Strip B (4 of these), each consists of seven soldiers, with no duplicate sculpts:
  • 1 Prone Rifleman
  • 1 Kneeling rifleman, firing
  • 1 Standing rifleman, firing
  • 2 Advancing riflemen
  • 1 Rifleman firing from the hip
  • 1 Soldier throwing a grenade 
Strip B

Strip C (2 of these), each consists of 6 soldiers:
  • 2 MG gunners (different sculpts)
  • 2 MG ammunition carriers (identical sculpts)
  • 2 SMG soldiers (identical sculpts) 

Strip C
The minis in this pack are the same scale as those in GR01 and can be mixed on the same base without problems.

Overall impression 
I greatly prefer this pack to GR01 due to the dynamic poses as well as much crisper details. Whether this is due to better sculpts or less worn molds I do not know. I ordered two of these packs and again saw moderate amounts of flash as well is small quality issues with "soft" castings. The "soft" castings were mostly on the grenade thrower's grenade, which is partially missing on a few of the strips. Not really a big problem, since it just looks like he is gesturing to his fellow soldiers.

Again, I am satisfied with the quality, which I feel is great for the price of £2.5.

torsdag den 3. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros GR01 - German Infantry

Today I received a package from Heroics and Ros, containing reinforcements for my german forces. Over the next week I plan on making blog posts reviewing the various miniatures in the package. Many miniatures have no pictures on the H&R webshop, and part of my motivation stems from my own frustration with buying product purely based on a short name.

This first review is of "GR01 - German Infantry". The package contains five identical strips.

 GR01 - German Infantry, package contents

Each strip has, from left to right :
  • 1 soldier carrying a submachine gun.
  • 3 soldiers with rifles (pose A)
  • 4 soldiers with rifles (pose B)
  • 1 MG ammunition carrier
  • 1 MG gunner, with the machinegun resting on his shoulder.
GR01, single strip

So a grand total of 50 soldiers, all in casual walking poses. The individual miniatures are approximately 6mm tall, as expected.
I ordered two packs, so received 100 miniatures. There is a moderate amount of flash, so they do require cleaning and out of the 100 miniatures, two had quality issues. Both of these issues being "soft" castings, with the first guy missing the tip of his SMG.

Overall I am pleased with the quality, considering the low price of £2.5 per pack (50 soldiers).

Next review will be of "GR08 - Panzergrenadiers".