lørdag den 19. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros G169 Motorcyclists

In this review I take a look at the H&R German motorcycle pack G169. Models are presented as I received them with no cleaning done at all.

German soldier on BMW R66 motorcycle
The Germans used a large number of motorcycles during WW2 and this set can be used to represent any motorcycle without sidecar. At this scale it is impossible for me to tell which model MC the figure is sculpted after.

The pack contains three identical motorcyclists, sitting straight up in the saddle. No weapons are visible on the models.

The motorcyclists seem to scale perfectly with the models from GR01, with the top of the motorcyclist's head being at about shoulder height of the walking infantryman. 
Strip of G169 on the left, GR01 on the right for scale.

I ordered the single strip shown in the picture and there were no quality issues with these models and only very minor cleaning is required.
Overall impression
These models are of a quality comparable to the others I have received from H&R so far. At the cost of £0.40 for a single strip of three motorcyclists, I feel these are priced at around £0.12, which is expensive compared to the £0.05 per model of the standard infantry packs. Overall though, the models are affordable and still a good quality relative to cost.

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