lørdag den 19. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros G103 Cyclists

Yet another H&R review, this time of the G103 Cyclist pack. Models are presented exactly as I received them, with no cleaning done before taking the picture.

The german army was never fully mechanized, indeed most divisions were leg infantry divisions, with individual soldiers marching where they needed to go and heavy equipment being pulled by horses. Bicycles were used extensively, especially in recon units. I will be using these guys primarily for recon stands in my infantry regiments.

German soldiers on bicycles 

Each pack contains three identical sculpts of a german soldier on a bicycle, with a rifle across his back.

G103 on the left, GR01 on the right for scale.

The models of this pack scale perfectly with those of the other packs I have reviewed previously.

I received two packs, for a total of 6 cyclists. Of these, three were missing part of the right arm and one is missing part of the front wheel (can be seen in the above picture). The models required no cleaning.

Overall impression
I absolutely love these models and will definitely be getting loads of them. The minor quality issues are an annoyance, but will not be noticed during games. At £0.40 for three, these models are expensive compared to the regular price of H&R infantry but still cheap enough to employ en masse. Did I mention that I absolutely love these guys?

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