lørdag den 5. marts 2016

Heroics and Ros GR08 - Panzergrenadiers

This is a review of the "GR08 - Panzergrenadiers" pack from Heroics and Ros. The miniatures are presented as I received them, with no cleaning done on them.

The pack consists of 8 strips with a total of 52 miniatures:

 GR08 pack

Strip A (2 of these strips), each consists of three unique sculpts, repeated twice:
  • 2 Prone MG gunners
  • 2 Prone MG loaders
  • 2 Crouching soldiers with SMG and binoculars

Strip A

Strip B (4 of these), each consists of seven soldiers, with no duplicate sculpts:
  • 1 Prone Rifleman
  • 1 Kneeling rifleman, firing
  • 1 Standing rifleman, firing
  • 2 Advancing riflemen
  • 1 Rifleman firing from the hip
  • 1 Soldier throwing a grenade 
Strip B

Strip C (2 of these), each consists of 6 soldiers:
  • 2 MG gunners (different sculpts)
  • 2 MG ammunition carriers (identical sculpts)
  • 2 SMG soldiers (identical sculpts) 

Strip C
The minis in this pack are the same scale as those in GR01 and can be mixed on the same base without problems.

Overall impression 
I greatly prefer this pack to GR01 due to the dynamic poses as well as much crisper details. Whether this is due to better sculpts or less worn molds I do not know. I ordered two of these packs and again saw moderate amounts of flash as well is small quality issues with "soft" castings. The "soft" castings were mostly on the grenade thrower's grenade, which is partially missing on a few of the strips. Not really a big problem, since it just looks like he is gesturing to his fellow soldiers.

Again, I am satisfied with the quality, which I feel is great for the price of £2.5.

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